
Stefan Geisler

Founder & Visionary

Suzan Obert

Press & Public Relations

Ines Obert


Where is BRANDvillage going - What is the goal

"Brands stand for the values of a company or a product. In the course of a brand's life, brands are charged with emotions. The longer a brand is and was on the market, the more was invested in brand life in terms of brand awareness, brand image and brand appeal. Certain Brands sometimes accompany us for a lifetime.I'm talking here: HORTEN, Max Bahr, ADLER, Herr Kaiser from Hamburg Mannheimer or the "green band of sympathy" (Dresdner Bank).

Due to bankruptcies, business closures, mergers or other circumstances, brands sometimes become "superfluous" and no longer needed. Then you might end up at the brand graveyard: ( We give brands a second chance through resale to live on in a new company or adopt traditional brands into our own brand foundation to preserve the memory of these traditional brands and the historical life cycle associated with them."

China Desk

Xiaofei Shui

Weimin "David" Huang

CEO Joint Venture Partner in China
